Skoler, Ekspertgruppe om (E03810)

Norsk deltakelse (ansvarlig departement)
Forskning og utdanning

Om komiteen

Working Group on Schools:


This Working Group will aim to support countries in the implementation of policy reforms in line with the European Education Area, with a focus on: better achievements in basic skills and successful conclusion of education and training pathways by all learners; education for the green transition; enhancing competence and motivation in the education profession. The Working Group consist of two sub-groups working on the topics of (i) pathways to school success and (ii) education for environmental sustainability. Sub-group on Pathways to School Success will support the implementation and follow-up of the forthcoming Council Recommendation on Pathways to School Success by promoting mutual learning and exchange of practices, including on issues related to well-being at school. Sub-group Education for Environmental Sustainability will support the follow-up to the Council Recommendation on education for environmental sustainability and will promote mutual learning and exchange on how education can support the move to a greener and more sustainable Europe, including the development of sustainability competences.


• Assist the Commission in the preparation of legislative proposals and policy initiatives

• Coordinate with Member States, exchange of views