Folkehelse, Ekspertgruppe om (E03884)

Norsk deltakelse (ansvarlig departement)
Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet

Om komiteen

Expert group on public health (E03884)

(a) to assist the Commission in the preparation of policy and legislative initiatives and activities addressing major public health challenges, including non-communicable diseases as well as communicable diseases.
(b) to advise the Commission on taking any useful initiative aimed at establishing of guidelines and indicators, organising exchange of best, promising, and innovative practices, and implementable research results in the field of public health and health systems for transfer between Member States.
(c) to provide advice on relevant policies or actions in the field of communicable diseases, on the Commission’s request. In this respect the Health Security Committee may indicate to the Commission areas in which the expert group’s advice is needed to promote coordination among Member States, to promote priority setting and create synergies between relevant policy areas which have an impact on public health; relevant EU agencies may also be asked to provide advice and information in respect of their areas of competence.

- Assist the Commission in relation to the implementation of existing Union legislation, programmes and policies
- Assist the Commission in the preparation of delegated acts
- Assist the Commission in the preparation of legislative proposals and policy initiatives
- Coordinate with Member States, exchange of views