Yrkeskvalifikasjoner for navigering på innlands vannveier, Ekspertgruppe for godkjenning av (E03511)

Norsk deltakelse (ansvarlig departement)
Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet

Om komiteen

Social issues in inland navigation expert group


- to provide advice and input to the Commission for the preparation of legislative proposals and policy initiatives; - to give advice and input to the Commission during preparation of the delegated acts foreseen in the directive on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation or in other consecutive EU legislations for inland waterway transport sector which have a strong social dimension; - to provide, where appropriate, prior to their submission to the Committee, input for the preparation of implementing acts foreseen in the directive on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation or in other consecutive EU legislations for inland waterway transport sector which have a strong social dimension; - to support the Commission in the general implementation and follow-up of legislations for inland waterway transport sector which have a strong social dimension; - to support the Commission with regard to the operation and development of the central database as foreseen under the directive on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation.


• Assist the Commission in relation to the implementation of existing Union legislation, programmes and policies

• Assist the Commission in the preparation of delegated acts

• Assist the Commission in the preparation of legislative proposals and policy initiatives

• Coordinate with Member States, exchange of views