Legemiddelkomiteen (X02858)

Norsk deltakelse (ansvarlig departement)
Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet

Om komiteen

Pharmaceutical Committee:


Examine problems raised by the implementation of the measures adopted by the legislator as regards the approximation of the laws relating to proprietary medicinal products for human use. The Commission shall consult the Committee when preparing proposals for Directives in the field of proprietary medicinal products, and in particular when it considers any amendments to Directive 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 November 2001 on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use which it might have occasion to propose.


• Assist the Commission in relation to the implementation of existing Union legislation, programmes and policies

• Assist the Commission in the preparation of delegated acts

• Assist the Commission in the preparation of legislative proposals and policy initiatives

• Coordinate with Member States, exchange of views

• Provides expertise to the Commission when preparing implementing measures, i.e. before the Commission submits these draft measures to a comitology committee